Who am I to give healing?

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.

Marianne Williamson

I love this quote. It was only recently when I reflected on how this relates to healing that it struck an even more profound chord with me.

Sometimes when someone first comes across Quantum-Touch and energy healing they say to me “I dont have enough confidence yet to practice on others or who am I to be a healing practitioner?”  I was pondering on this and I remembered Marianne Williamson’s quote above. Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?

Who are you to be a brilliant, gifted, and joyous healing facilitator? Actually, who are you not to be?…That is a better question!

If you were somehow guided towards Quantum-Touch then it is because you have been specifically and divinely guided towards it. Once we have these tools, we are meant to use them purposefully, let go and have fun with them. Remembering that there is a higher power constantly guiding us and placing us precisely where we are meant to help to let go into this level of empowerment.

The only thing that ever stands in between us being a confident practitioner is the acknowledgment that we are a perfectly placed vessel for universal energy to flow through. I believe that the more we surrender to this knowledge, the more we step out of a constricted mind and out into the infinite universal doorway of healing – where all possibilities exist. First and foremost we must fully accept that we have more than a right to be there…it is part of our purpose and is wholly supported.

The aspect which had the most impact on me during this contemplation was wanting to know that I took as many opportunities to fulfill my potential here on Earth, as possible. I am so grateful to Quantum-Touch for providing me with such an infinite way to do so and to be able to harmonise with the Uni-Verse in this way.

The best part of this is that we ALL have this ability and we are all able to profoundly help each other with Quantum-Touch. So much of it depends on how much we step aside and allow this to flow in our lives.

Upcoming workshops

  1. Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop Image
    Half price for repeat students

    Quantum-Touch Level 1

    14:00 GMT
    This LIVE Quantum-Touch Level 1 workshop is online and spread over four 3-hour sessions.
  2. Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles
    Added New Date

    Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles

    14:30 GMT
    This Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles workshop is online and spread over 4 sessions, each session is just over 3 hours long.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  3. Quantum-Touch Level 2 Workshop Image

    Quantum-Touch Level 2

    14:00 BST
    This LIVE Quantum-Touch Level 2 workshop is online and spread over four 3-hour sessions.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  4. Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles
    Added New Date

    Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles

    14:30 BST
    This Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles workshop is online and spread over 4 sessions, each session is just over 3 hours long.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  5. Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop Image

    Quantum-Touch Level 1

    09:30 BST
    This LIVE in person Quantum-Touch Level 1 workshop in London spread over 2 days
    Healing House, Bounds Green, London, N22 8DH
    Earlybird: £265 £320
  6. Quantum-Touch Supercharging
    Update: New Workshop Dates

    Quantum-Touch Supercharging

    14:00 GMT
    This LIVE Quantum-Touch Supercharging workshop is online and spread over four 3-hour sessions.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  7. Quantum-Touch Self Created Health

    Quantum-Touch Self Created Health

    09:00 BST
    This Quantum-Touch Self Created Health workshop Live online over 2 days.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  8. Quantum-Touch Level 2 Workshop Image
    Live in London

    Quantum-Touch Level 2

    09:30 BST
    This Quantum-Touch Level 2 workshop is in London spread over 2 days.
    Healing House, Bounds Green, London, N22 8DH
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  9. Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop Image

    Quantum-Touch Level 1

    14:00 BST
    This LIVE online Quantum-Touch Level 1 workshop starts on Tuesday 21st October and spread over 4 sessions
    Earlybird: £265 £320
  10. Quantum-Touch Level 2 Workshop Image

    Quantum-Touch Level 2

    14:00 GMT
    This Quantum-Touch Level 2 workshop is in London spread over 2 days.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  11. Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles

    Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles

    14:00 GMT
    This Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles workshop is online and spread over 4 sessions, each session is just over 3 hours long.
    Earlybird: £349 £399

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