What are the most common blocks to healing

In Quantum Touch we learn about letting go of attachment to outcome. This is a healing principle that applies to every area of our life. Once we master this we overtake the slow moving traffic and move into a much clearer pathway, giving us a smoother ride through life.

Our mind’s like to think they know best. Our Spirit knows better than that and yet when things don’t go our way we can easily find ourselves gripping onto what we thought should have happened, yet never did.

The Universe is working in a perfect divine order. We are part of that order and the more we become part of the Whole by moving in harmony with the Universal flow, the happier we become.

At the end of a healing session, we obviously want to be celebrating people’s physical and emotional triumphs. However what we don’t see with our conscious mind is that each exchange of loving, healing energy is indeed a triumph in its own right. The magical healing that takes place happens at a subatomic level. Our job is to experience our happiness as part of the giving of healing, rather than just the receiving of a perceived outcome of healing.

It is a learning curve that we all go through. A surfer gets pleasure from riding the ocean’s waves and once we settle into surfing the waves of energy in a healing session, and enjoying the journey, we too become one with the sea of consciousness.

Tip: At the beginning of a healing session set an intention to have as spiritually, emotionally and physically uplifting a time as can be. A huge part of our goal as a practitioner is to have an uplifting session. This is considered success and as you let go of this, you will witness even greater healing results. Letting go of attachment is another way of saying trust the Universe and this always precedes a fantastic outcome.

Upcoming workshops

  1. Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop Image
    Half price for repeat students

    Quantum-Touch Level 1

    14:00 GMT
    This LIVE Quantum-Touch Level 1 workshop is online and spread over four 3-hour sessions.
  2. Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles
    Added New Date

    Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles

    14:30 GMT
    This Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles workshop is online and spread over 4 sessions, each session is just over 3 hours long.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  3. Quantum-Touch Level 2 Workshop Image

    Quantum-Touch Level 2

    14:00 BST
    This LIVE Quantum-Touch Level 2 workshop is online and spread over four 3-hour sessions.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  4. Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles
    Added New Date

    Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles

    14:30 BST
    This Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles workshop is online and spread over 4 sessions, each session is just over 3 hours long.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  5. Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop Image

    Quantum-Touch Level 1

    09:30 BST
    This LIVE in person Quantum-Touch Level 1 workshop in London spread over 2 days
    Healing House, Bounds Green, London, N22 8DH
    Earlybird: £265 £320
  6. Quantum-Touch Supercharging
    Update: New Workshop Dates

    Quantum-Touch Supercharging

    14:00 GMT
    This LIVE Quantum-Touch Supercharging workshop is online and spread over four 3-hour sessions.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  7. Quantum-Touch Self Created Health

    Quantum-Touch Self Created Health

    09:00 BST
    This Quantum-Touch Self Created Health workshop Live online over 2 days.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  8. Quantum-Touch Level 2 Workshop Image
    Live in London

    Quantum-Touch Level 2

    09:30 BST
    This Quantum-Touch Level 2 workshop is in London spread over 2 days.
    Healing House, Bounds Green, London, N22 8DH
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  9. Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop Image

    Quantum-Touch Level 1

    14:00 BST
    This LIVE online Quantum-Touch Level 1 workshop starts on Tuesday 21st October and spread over 4 sessions
    Earlybird: £265 £320
  10. Quantum-Touch Level 2 Workshop Image

    Quantum-Touch Level 2

    14:00 GMT
    This Quantum-Touch Level 2 workshop is in London spread over 2 days.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  11. Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles

    Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles

    14:00 GMT
    This Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles workshop is online and spread over 4 sessions, each session is just over 3 hours long.
    Earlybird: £349 £399

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