I am currently reading Tony Robbin’s new book called Life Force. It opens with a phenomenally loud bang as Tony interviews the world’s most pioneering scientists, who are actively healing people with stem cells. This natural style of regenerative medicine is futuristic and mind blowing.
As I was reading I felt inspired to play with the Supercharging U-Nan technique. The innate wisdom in a “master stem cell” is also present within the U-Nan pattern. Whatever exists in the scientific realm can also be tasted energetically too.
Mary Derr shared the Supercharging techniques with Richard Gordon in the early days of Quantum-Touch. Mary, a gifted healer that had travelled the world learning healing techniques from indigenous tribes, also had the unique ability of consistently seeing energy.
She taught Richard about a powerful cellular pattern that exists throughout our Earth and the Universe.
This healing pattern is a primary universal cellular pattern that regenerates the body to its full potential. It literally means to “make whole”. Mary was so impressed by the high frequency that Quantum-Touch students were all able to reach with this modality, that she felt compelled to contribute and expand this even more.
The Supercharging workshop was birthed after Mary gifted Richard a plethora of techniques that “Supercharged” and expanded the Quantum-Touch Level 1 high energy toolbox.
Transporting healthy information
The U-Nan pattern acts as a “reminder” to our cells to become whole again. It transports healthy information throughout our body and is totally dynamic.
Feeling experimental, I intended that the U-Nan pattern connect with my stem cells, and have an energy dance together. Wow! Suddenly my senses became crystal clear and I felt fresh, alert and bouncy.
The beauty of the U-Nan pattern is that it can be applied to anything.
The energy of the Supercharging workshop is so high and energising that if I teach this in the evening I have to actively slow my energy back down so that I can sleep 🙂
If you would like to learn how to work with energy in an extremely dynamic way then you will LOVE Supercharging. It is fast, high, vibrant and can be felt instantly.
When I am using the Supercharging techniques with clients that are very fatigued they instantly feel the shifts and recognise that the energy feels “really high”. As a toolbox for healing, Supercharging is as exciting for practitioners as it is for anyone wishing to explore what is possible with Quantum-Touch.
If this appeals to you then I would love to teach you how to Supercharging energy.