On-line Telesummit: New Perspectives on Dementia: 19th-24th May

Those that have taken the Quantum Touch Level II class will have learned about how energy effects the brain and the exciting implications of this.

Dementia Awareness Week

The increasingly common elderly diseases of the brain are receiving a huge amount of media and medical attention. Diseases such as dementia have no obvious medical cure and figures are rising in the aging population.

However new research into neuro plasticity gives clear evidence to show that the brain, much like plasticine has the capacity to change, develop and is responsive to positive stimuli. This is an area that I have become fascinated with and having spent large amounts of time in elderly care homes, have gained a lot of insight into this area. Many carers, nurses and those looking after the elderly are attending my QT workshops because they understand how vital these skills are when caring for others.

I am therefore absolutely delighted to be asked to speak at a tele summit about New Perspectives for Dementia. I will be speaking about the underestimated role of the carer, the effect of love on the brain and how we can change the future of dementia with this knowledge.

The telesummit is sponsored by the International Association for Health and Learning, whose objectives are to help people find the keys to their own health.

The telesummit will offer very practical ideas to assist carers in looking after their own health, finding out what support is available, choosing a care home, tips on how best to communicate, how carers’ emotions can be used to positively assist the person with Dementia and how anyone can keep young at heart! Each session has a question time and there is one session especially for carers to share their experience of what has worked for them.

The tele summit has been kept at an accessible and low cost of £25 which includes 10 teleseminars (each 1 hour), all recorded so that you can access them later, plus lots of bonus freebees from the speakers.

The schedule is as follows:

  • Sunday 19th May, 19:30: Art Giser: The conference will open with Art Giser, fellow of the International Association for Health and Learning, and creator of the internationally acclaimed, healing modality, Energetic NLP. He will talk about “Helping carers to maintain their own health”.
  • Monday 20th May, 09:30: Diana Kingham: “Preventing Dementia – could this be possible?”
  • Monday 20th May, 19:30: Diane Pope, SHEARS: Navigating the complex world of care and support.
  • Tuesday 21st May: 9:30: Open forum. Tell us the messages you would like to be able to give others, to assist them.
  • Tuesday 21st May, 19:30: Karina Grant, Quantum Touch Advanced Instructor. New scientific research now backs up that love plays a key role in brain development. Just how much is a dementia sufferer’s brain affected by the emotions held by the carer? Karina will talk about the healing role of the carer, how it is vital that we understand the huge impact that love has on the brain and how we can change the future of dementia with this knowledge.
  • Wednesday 22nd May: 09:30:* Olive Hickmott: Olive will talk about her work with carers that is documented in How to reduce the impact of Dementia – insights for carers: Living in different time zones. This covers the following 3 areas and is available FREE in downloadable serial form for anyone joining this conference www.dementia.simpleskills.co.uk “Olive has researched techniques that help carers deal with dementia sufferers. She patiently and carefully shared these with me and they helped me better understand how to communicate with my father and help him” David
  • Thursday 23rd May:9:30: The important role of music to memory
  • Thursday 23rd May: 19:30: Dr Lynda Shaw Neuroscientist, Psychologist specialising in ageing. The Importance of Community. Not long ago 3 or even 4 generations would sit round the table eating and chatting. Neighbours would appear invited or not, the door was never locked. Times have changed, but we haven’t. We still need to feel we belong to a group of people. Isolation kills and it kills slowing and it exacerbates dementia. Lynda will discuss how vital community is in terms of psychology and the brain.
  • Friday 24th May: 14:00: Peter Priedneiks, Director/Senior Consultant at Dementia Care Matters. Choosing the right Care Home for someone we love experiencing dementia can be daunting. This session intends to shine a light on some of the issues to consider. Dementia Care Matters model of care promotes that ‘Feelings Matter Most’ in dementia care – so what does a top level home look, sound and feel like that aspires to this ideal? Peter Priednieks will share his organisation’s experience of this.
  • Friday 24th May: 14:00: Helen Oakwater, Author and Coach : Why Extreme Self Care is Essential. Helen will weave the learnings of the week with strategies for carers to enhancing their own wellbeing. We must recognise that working with dementia is an all terrain, extended marathon not a sprint: hence carers must prepare, maintain and empower themselves accordingly.

To conclude Olive Hickmott, Director of the International Association for Health and Learning will be bringing the conference to a close, until the next time.

Upcoming workshops

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    Earlybird: £349 £399
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    Earlybird: £349 £399
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    Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles

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    This Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles workshop is online and spread over 4 sessions, each session is just over 3 hours long.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
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    Earlybird: £265 £320
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    Earlybird: £349 £399
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    This Quantum-Touch Self Created Health workshop Live online over 2 days.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  8. Quantum-Touch Level 2 Workshop Image
    Live in London

    Quantum-Touch Level 2

    09:30 BST
    This Quantum-Touch Level 2 workshop is in London spread over 2 days.
    Healing House, Bounds Green, London, N22 8DH
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  9. Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop Image

    Quantum-Touch Level 1

    14:00 BST
    This LIVE online Quantum-Touch Level 1 workshop starts on Tuesday 21st October and spread over 4 sessions
    Earlybird: £265 £320
  10. Quantum-Touch Level 2 Workshop Image

    Quantum-Touch Level 2

    14:00 GMT
    This Quantum-Touch Level 2 workshop is in London spread over 2 days.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  11. Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles

    Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles

    14:00 GMT
    This Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles workshop is online and spread over 4 sessions, each session is just over 3 hours long.
    Earlybird: £349 £399

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