This “era” is the very best time to put our focus into bigger, better and brighter energies than that in the current forefront. When Mary Derr first taught Richard Gordon the Supercharging techniques, she explained that she had spent her entire life harmonising with our beautiful planet Earth’s energies. This had given her the insight to see a particular symbol that is present within the Earth, and this is one of the golden Supercharging teachings that she shared with Richard.
How does this help with raising vibration?
Being in connection with the Earth is scientifically proven to be a vital component of health. The Earth supports us unconditionally, regardless of what we choose to play out here above her divine surfaces. I once heard Master Chunyi Lin teach that the reason that many people become unwell after a flight is that we move so far away from the Earth’s frequency, the higher up we go into the sky. That frequency literally powers us up and we need it to physically thrive.
Drum roll… welcoming Supercharging
Mary saw a special symbol that exists within the Earth. Each time I bring this sacred pattern into healing sessions, the energy is consistently super focused, and Supercharged.
In an era where we may be connecting less to our favourite nature spots, and annual trips to the beach for city dwellers have significantly lessened, our energetic and vibrational liberties remain as high as we choose to take them.
As I bring my awareness into this state I call in the Earth’s energy, and kick back into allowing it’s support to be felt unreservedly. The Supercharging symbol amplifies this experience manyfold.
In Japan, there is a practice known as Forest Bathing where people go and literally “bathe” in the frequencies existing in their stunning forests. When we are in proximity of trees, we resonate to their frequency. This has a chemical effect on the brain and can match the efficacy of anti-depressants when practiced regularly.
Using the Supercharging techniques when you do go for a walk in nature is very powerful!
An intuitive message
When I was starting to go into labour with my eldest son, I said a prayer that I intuit the best technique to use in that moment. My phone buzzed shortly after with a random text message from my local optician saying the word U-Nan! She then texted me an hour later saying “Sorry my baby got hold of my phone”.
As soon as I received the text from her baby I started using the technique and it helped me stay calm and focused during some intense pre-labour moments. I love that a baby I had never met was playing with a phone and sent me the exact technique I needed in that moment. I remember thinking “wow you really can’t make this stuff up!”.
How would I describe the Supercharging workshop?
Someone recently asked me how I would describe the Supercharging workshop. The first answer that came to me was “it is like a Life Force Energy party!” The techniques widen and deepen your Quantum-Touch Level 1 skills and are an incredibly potent way to expand your ability to flow energy through you, and Supercharge your frequency!
I invite you to join me on the 7th December for a Seasonal Energy party at the last workshop of the year – Supercharging. We will be giving and receiving healing over 4 beautiful sessions and it is the perfect time to harness a positive focus for 2021!