Brilliant results: Pharmacy Technician’s study of Quantum Touch and Alzheimer’s disease

BBC reports UK’s G8 summit to ‘tackle dementia’

“The UK will use its presidency of the G8 to hold the first global dementia summit. Prime Minister David Cameron and Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt have called on health ministers from the member countries to attend the meeting in London on 11 December.”

This summit is good news. Dementia is one of the most currently talked about conditions in the press and it deserves all of our attention. Rather than just focusing on producing cures we also need to have a strong understanding of what strengthens the brain and what weakens it. New and exciting research shows how neuroplasticity will change the way we approach brain care. Our brains respond to a multitude of stimuli and this includes our emotional and internal environment. I am delighted to teach so many elderly carers and NHS staff who are successfully using the Quantum Touch techniques.

Alzheimer’s study conducted by Pharmacy Technician using Quantum Touch

When Sophie Watson attended my Level 1 & II workshops I was delighted. Sophie is a forward thinking scientist and practicing Pharmacy Technician. She is also a very compassionate holistic therapist and she immediately voiced her interest in working with Alzheimers disease which is an area I am totally passionate about and worked with personally. After QT Level II she conducted a brilliant study which she documented on video with her wonderful Mum who has Alzheimer’s disease, using Quantum Touch over a 5 week period.

The results were amazing! Here are before and after pictures of a test that Sophie set for her Mum, asking her to draw a clock and write the numbers in the clock. You can clearly the huge difference in her ability to articulate this in the images. Well done to Sophie and her amazing Mum. You are an inspiration to us all and watching the full study was fascinating.

I encourage everyone to use these techniques on all brain conditions. Let’s consider that there is currently no known medical cure for Dementia when viewing the above study. It is more important than ever for each of us to empower ourselves with the ability to Heal Thyself and each other. I am truly grateful to Quantum Touch for giving so many people this privilege.

Join me for the next Level II workshop on 29th & 30th September and learn how to heal from the most divine and powerful part of ourselves – the heart.

Here are a few powerful ways to strengthen your brain health and stay healthy:

1 – Exercise

Exercise releases endorphins and as well as moving your cells it moves stagnant energy accumulated in your daily encounters out of your field. The endorphins make you feel good and naturally raise your vibration. It is scientifically proven that exercise strengthens the brain.

2 – A nutrient rich diet and water

Specific foods are very beneficial for brain health and eating a generally nutrient dense diet will always help to serve the body on all levels. Drinking enough water is vital for brain health and dehydration can literally dehydrate the brain. I have heard of Doctor’s having to prescribe water to residents in care homes to ensure that they are given adequate water. Keeping ourselves hydrated with water and eating well is so important. Everyone has “naughty” eating days, however making sure that the bulk of your diet is low in sugar is vital for brain health. I have recently begun eating a very mindful and highly alkaline diet. The effects are immediately noticeable and this also boosts my energy on all levels.

3 – Meditate

I have long been an advocate of meditation for general health and believe it to be a healing tonic.

In level II we take it to another level and on day 1 we learn how to powerfully meditate in specific areas of the brain. The feelings generated by workshop participants have been described as “out of this world”. Experiences range from total instant relaxation to absolute euphoric bliss. We learn to achieve this in seconds and simultaneously strengthen the brain. There is an abundance of research into mindfulness meditation and it’s positive effects on brain health. QT differs in that we learn how to specifically focus on the brain and therefore the effects are tremendously amplified.

4 – Socialise

Loneliness has a proven negative effect on physical brain health.
The University of Chicago researchers have undertaken interesting studies to show brain changes in those with strong social networks.

5 – Love

We know that giving and receiving love has been scientifically proven to actually change the size of the brain in children. I have many scientists on my newsletter list – this is an invitation to you to research the effects of love on the brain in dementia! 🙂

THE FOURTH CHAKRA is the central powerhouse of the human energy system. The middle chakra, it mediates between the body and spirit and determines their health and strength. It’s energy is pure power.”
Myss, Caroline Anatomy Of The Spirit

The foundation of Quantum Touch Level II resides totally in Love and the powerful heart space. It truly is mind blowing and a phenomenal way to work with our love for healing the self and others.

Upcoming workshops

  1. Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop Image
    Half price for repeat students

    Quantum-Touch Level 1

    14:00 GMT
    This LIVE Quantum-Touch Level 1 workshop is online and spread over four 3-hour sessions.
  2. Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles
    Added New Date

    Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles

    14:30 GMT
    This Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles workshop is online and spread over 4 sessions, each session is just over 3 hours long.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  3. Quantum-Touch Level 2 Workshop Image

    Quantum-Touch Level 2

    14:00 BST
    This LIVE Quantum-Touch Level 2 workshop is online and spread over four 3-hour sessions.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  4. Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles
    Added New Date

    Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles

    14:30 BST
    This Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles workshop is online and spread over 4 sessions, each session is just over 3 hours long.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  5. Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop Image

    Quantum-Touch Level 1

    09:30 BST
    This LIVE in person Quantum-Touch Level 1 workshop in London spread over 2 days
    Healing House, Bounds Green, London, N22 8DH
    Earlybird: £265 £320
  6. Quantum-Touch Supercharging
    Update: New Workshop Dates

    Quantum-Touch Supercharging

    14:00 GMT
    This LIVE Quantum-Touch Supercharging workshop is online and spread over four 3-hour sessions.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  7. Quantum-Touch Self Created Health

    Quantum-Touch Self Created Health

    09:00 BST
    This Quantum-Touch Self Created Health workshop Live online over 2 days.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  8. Quantum-Touch Level 2 Workshop Image
    Live in London

    Quantum-Touch Level 2

    09:30 BST
    This Quantum-Touch Level 2 workshop is in London spread over 2 days.
    Healing House, Bounds Green, London, N22 8DH
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  9. Quantum-Touch Level 1 Workshop Image

    Quantum-Touch Level 1

    14:00 BST
    This LIVE online Quantum-Touch Level 1 workshop starts on Tuesday 21st October and spread over 4 sessions
    Earlybird: £265 £320
  10. Quantum-Touch Level 2 Workshop Image

    Quantum-Touch Level 2

    14:00 GMT
    This Quantum-Touch Level 2 workshop is in London spread over 2 days.
    Earlybird: £349 £399
  11. Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles

    Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles

    14:00 GMT
    This Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles workshop is online and spread over 4 sessions, each session is just over 3 hours long.
    Earlybird: £349 £399

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