Book review – The Ancestral Continuum – Unlock the Secrets of Who You Really Are

Recently, prior to Halloween I was lucky enough to be invited to a private talk about Ancestral Healing. The talk was given by the lovely Nicola Graydon, one of the talented authors of the newly released book “The Ancestral Continuum – Unlock the Secrets of Who You Really Are” by Nicola Graydon and Natalia O’Sullivan.

This beautiful book explores some fascinating themes such as:

  • Healing the relationships we have with our ancestors
  • Communication with our ancestors
  • Our sacred inheritance
  • Healing the family tree
  • Generational trauma
  • A journey of self discovery
  • Exploring your family history
  • And so much more

It is the kind of book that you can open at any time on any page and find it points you towards what you are asking for in that moment. There are so many levels to this type of exploration. We know that energy follows thought and have explored this extensively through healing in the Quantum Touch workshops. We have offered QT to the energy of birth in Quantum Touch Level II and witnessed some extraordinary unconscious memories heal. So I was very curious to see what happens when we use the same techniques to explore our generational energy.

Using this beautifully created book I spent a few weeks opening it on random pages, seeing what it wanted to tell me and where my own ancestral lineage needed some healing. This is a fascinating way to work, especially if you are aware of your family tree, which I am.

In scientific terms we may understand this as genetics “the study of genes, heredity, and variation in living organisms”. The genes we inherit from our parents are always derived and based on what lay before them…apparently.

The amazingly gifted scientist, Dr Bruce Lipton explicits states that our health is not controlled by our DNA and genetics. He teaches that this old paradigm is inaccurate and that our DNA is actually controlled by the energetic messages emanating from our thoughts.

He writes extensively about how our genes actually change on a daily basis according to our thoughts and where we place our consciousness. Dr. Lipton’s research suggests that the subconscious mind is built on habituation. It learns from patterns and repetition of patterns. By accessing that invisible field, you can rewrite those habits.

The other aspect of his teachings which relate directly into healing our ancestral line is how our external environment plays a key role in influencing cellular behaviour.  If our ancestors were placed in a myriad of challenging environments throughout history, the energetic effect of this can have an effect on us today on a subconscious level.

Perhaps we are the first generation that has the freedom, time and skill set to begin to heal our ancestral line  – and transform the future. We know that in the Self Created Health workshop when we heal past emotional events, we heal this pattern right the way down the ancestral line and interrupt the pattern so that future generations can benefit too. As we do so we reclaim and heal a fragmented part of ourselves.

My journey with The Ancestral Continuum

I began by asking what I needed to heal and opening the book on “random” pages. Unsurprisingly I was guided to several examples about generational birth stories and their impact on fertility today. This was fascinating and opened a whole new wave of Quantum Touch ideas and techniques. As Richard always says, keep playing and asking the questions.

I also enjoyed opening up to exploring any inherited creative gifts.

“By looking back into our ancestry we may find a character or personality who seems to resonate with our deepest dreams and desires.”

This inspired me to remember the creative timeline and gifts that had been passed down through my family and to honour them more fully. Also, I asked for ancestral assistance and benevolent support for any creative projects that I am enjoying. The energy took on a new quality, as if a new pathway had been created by opening up the intentions in this way.

I see this book as just that. An incredibly insightful personal journey that opens the way to healing new areas of our past. In doing so we honour our ancestors and can invite them to assist with our own gifts and conscious expansion. An added benefit is the way this changes the future by re routing and healing our “genes”.

Photo of Natalia O’Sullivan and right Nicola Graydon, authors of the Ancestral Continuum

This book is full of concepts, stories and explorations that will give you a whole host of new intentions to offer energy to and blends perfectly with what we do in Quantum Touch. To do so simply ask a question – I often ask what I need to heal most, open the book and then set the intent to heal it. Then raise the vibration using any of your favourite techniques. You can use a Quantum Touch audio recording in the background if it is easier. The insights gained are incredibly useful and expand our awareness on a multi dimensional level.

As Nicola said to me “It was a book that demanded to be written” and I can see why. I will be talking to Nicola in the coming weeks about her book and her journey into the fascinating subject of ancestral healing. This interview will be shared on my website and if you have any specific questions that you would like to ask her about the book please do ask in the comments below. Feel free to also ask me about how you can apply Quantum Touch to anything in the book.

I see this as an entirely new application of how we create new realities on all levels and heartily recommend this beautiful book!

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    This LIVE online Quantum-Touch Level 1 workshop starts on Tuesday 21st October and spread over 4 sessions
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    Quantum-Touch Level 2

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    This Quantum-Touch Level 2 workshop is in London spread over 2 days.
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    Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles

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    This Quantum-Touch Manifesting Miracles workshop is online and spread over 4 sessions, each session is just over 3 hours long.
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